Iron Tea Pot L ChuShin no Kobo Hiratsubo
產品編號 JDPI00004
Iron teapot Hiratsubo L Made by ChuShin no Kobo Yamagata Japan
山形縣鋳心の工房 謹製 平壺大
Product number: HS-34L (blk)
Name of product: Teapot · Flattop · L
Color: Black (/ blk)
Dimension: 170 × 210 × 180 mm
Capacity: 1.4 L
Material: Main body · Cast iron tea strainer · Stainless steel
Weight: Approx 2100 g
Teapot made with iron casting it is difficult to cool because it is large warmth. So it is possible to put delicious tea. We have designed a functional teapot fitted to modern life style using a traditional material with such excellent features. This teapot was designed with the image the form of tea caddy. Inside has the enamel processing to prevent rust. Especially spout finish thin in handwork, to pursue the goodness of draining, aimed at easy to use and easy pouring teapot.
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