Hello, Hong Kong Colours Plus " Kumiko Matsushima Exhibition "
Date: March 22 - April 20 2023 Time: 11:30 - 18:30 pm
Tokyo born artist, Kumiko Matsushima who lived in New York City for 6 years, in California, 2 years, and in Hong Kong, 11 years, now in Singapore, rediscovered how beautiful Hong Kong is and how unique its culture, tradition, and people’s lives are, when she lived in Wanchai area for two months from February to April in 2021. As a huge Hong Kong lover, Kumiko took advantage of her temporary stay there, took photos every day and posted one picture a day on FB, Instagram, and Twitter for 51 days. That is her series, “Hong Kong Colours,” which casts a spotlight on the beauty of Hong Kong in culture, tradition, and people’s lives, before they are lost.
Twenty two photos among them, a few mixed media artworks and 3D works will be shown in this exhibition, “Hello, Hong Kong Colours Plus.”
Welcome to Kumiko Matsushima’s colourful world!
Hello, Hong Kong Colours Plus, from March 22 to April 20, 2023. Catch these invigorating works at the Arts & Crafts Studio at PMQ to appreciate Hong Kong through Kumiko’s eyes. A "Meet the Artist" session will be held on March 23 from 4pm to 6pm, don’t miss out!
出生於東京的藝術家松島久美子在紐約市生活了 6 年,在加利福尼亞生活了 2 年,在香港生活了 11 年,現在在新加坡,重新發現了香港的美麗,以及它的文化、傳統和人民的獨特之處。 生活是,2021年2月到4月,她在灣仔區住了兩個月。久美子是香港的鐵桿情人,趁著暫時逗留的機會,每天拍照,每天發一張照片到FB,Instagram, 和推特 51 天。 這就是她的系列“香港色彩”,聚焦香港在文化、傳統和人們生活中的美麗,在它們消失之前。
我們邀請你親臨Arts & Crafts Studio的元創方店一起欣賞久美子眼裡的香港。此外,我們將於3月23日下午四時至六時舉行藝術家見面會,萬勿錯過!
Exhibitions & Awards
Mar. 22~Apr. 15 ’23, One-man-show, “HK Colours Plus” at Arts & Crafts Studio in PMQ
Mar. 3~8 ’23, “Spring in Breadbasket” will be shown in a juried group show by BeOne Gallery at Orchard Ion
Dec. 1, '22~ Jan. 9, '23, A juried group show, "A Thousand Words" at library@orchard
October 20, "Reminiscence" won Finalist Award in "4th Colors" by Art Show International Gallery
October 5, "Rapture" won Honourable Mention Award in "5th Portrait" by Art Show International Gallery
August 5, 2022 "Resilience Head" won Finalist Award in "5th Open" by Art Show International Gallery
July 27 - 29, 2022 Resilience Head Reborn
July - August 2022 Participated in "Future" On line Exhibition
January 2020 "Prayer" won the 3rd Prize Open Division in Art Open-Call for Joy of Art : Irene Chou Response Show by Asia Society Hong Kong
May~June 2019 Children of the Mekong's Photo Exhibition for Le French May
January 2019 "A Day in the Life" Won "All Women" 2019 Art Exhibition, Special Recognition Award by LS&T Gallery
December 2018 "Khmer Sunset" won “SeaScapes” 2018 Art Exhibition, Special Recognition Award by the Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery
June 2018 "Symphony of Lights I" won "Landscapes Art Exhibition"Award by Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery in Special Recognition Category
May~June 2018 Children of the Mekong's Photo Exhibition for Le French May
March 2018 AWA Charity Auction, "Art On the Line"
February 2018 "Timeless Square" won City Scapes 2018 Art Exhibition Award in the Special Merit Category
May 2016 Tokyo International Art Fair
March 2016 SICD Day
March 2016 AWA Charity Auction, "Art On the Line"
March 2015 A Charity Auction, "Art On the Line"
December 11-24 2014 "Holiday Show" at Onishi Project, Chelsea, New York
July - August 2014 "Leftside Right -- Shoes on the Wrong Feet --" One Man-Show at Pratt Manhattan CCPS Gallery
January 2014 Fotanian Open Studios
September 2013 A Group Show at AWA HK's Office
March 2013 Life Inspired Exhibition at Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
January 2013 Fotanian Open Studios
January 2011 Spring Exhibition by Galerie Le Createur at Hong Kong Cultural Centre
September 2008 One-man-show at Cafe Frangipany, Tokyo
January 2008 One-man-show at Katoh Gallery, Tokyo
June 2005 Group Show at Monroe Gallery, New Jersey
April 2005 "Prattatatat!" Pratt Institute Manhattan, New York