Takashima City Fair
The HomeTown Of Water – The Blessings of Lake Biwa –
Date: October 1 Sat. – 31 Mon 2022
Where is Takashima City?
Located in the northwestern part of Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, Takashima City in Shiga Prefecture produces one-third of the water that flows into Lake Biwa and is surrounded by forests and lakes. It is also a place deeply related to the founders of “TAKASHIMAYA” Department Store. Takashima City can be reached by train from Kyoto in about 50 minutes, and by train from Kansai Airport in about 2 hours. You can experience the beauty of each season in Takashima City through activities such as picking fruits such as apple and grapes, and outdoor activities like SUP and canoeing.
The Takashima City Fair will be held at ARTS & CRAFTS STUDIO for one month from October 1st. We invite you to take a look at the clothing and other goods that make use of Takashima City’s traditional techniques.
水的故鄉 —琵琶湖的恩賜—
日期: 2022/ 10 / 1 - 31日
滋賀縣高島市位於日本最大湖泊琵琶湖的西北部,生產流入琵琶湖三分之一的水,周圍環繞著森林和湖泊。 這裡也是與“高島屋”百貨公司創始人有著深厚淵源的地方。 從京都乘搭電車約50分鐘可到達高島市,從關西機場乘搭電車約需2小時。在高島市您可以通過採摘蘋果和葡萄等水果以及SUP和劃獨木舟等戶外活動來體驗這裡每個季節的美麗。
高島市展覽 將於 10 月 1 日起在 ARTS & CRAFTS STUDIO 舉行,為期一個月。 我們邀請您參觀使用高島市傳統技術的服裝和其他商品。