About Frecious Fuji
The Brand of “Frecious Fuji” is loved by more than 400,000 customers in Japan, we will deliver our High-Tech Water Dispenser and Mt.Fuji Finest Vanadium Mineral Water directly to you.
Price isn’t much different from the price showing in Japan which is per 9.3l bottle be 120 HKD.
Converted to a 500ml PET bottle, it will be delivered to your home at the lowest price in Hong Kong at $ 6.45.
- Best water sampling environment - There is no factory above our factory. So, you can get very clean water.
- Slightly sweet Rich in minerals Natural water
- Remains in tap water Iron, lead, nitrate nitrogen
Is almost zero
- Suitable for children and babies Soft water with a hardness of 25
- Obtained FSSC 22000 With completely aseptic filling Hygiene is also safe
Mt. Fuji Natural Mineral Water Direct to your Home!
drink a clear water to make your day pure~
Please visit us to try the Mt Fuji Water!
關於 Frecious Fuji
“Frecious Fuji”品牌在日本受到超過400,000名客戶的喜愛,將直接為您提供我們的高科技飲水機和富士山最好的礦泉水。 提供的價格與日本顯示的價格相差不大,每9.3升一瓶為120港幣。 轉換成500ml PET瓶裝,以全港最低價$6.45送貨上門。
Frecious Fuji富士山礦泉水
- 最好的水樣環境 - 我們工廠上面沒有工廠。 因此,您可以獲得非常乾淨的水。
- 微甜 富含礦物質 天然水
- 殘留在自來水中 鐵、鉛、硝態氮幾乎為零
- 適合兒童和嬰兒使用 硬度為 25 的軟水
- 獲得 FSSC 22000 完全無菌灌裝 衛生也安全
喝一杯清澈的水,讓您的一天變得純淨,請訪問我們Arts& CraftsStudio嘗試富士山礦泉水。