DATE: 3rd March - 5th April 2020
TIME: 12pm- 6pm *Opening on 3 March at 3PM.
VENUE: Arts & Crafts Studio - PMQ H401 (Block B) 35 Aberdeen St., Central
This is Ryuta Kinjo's debut exhibition with the Arts & Crafts Studio and his first solo show in Hong Kong.
Ryuta Kinjo from Okinawa Japan . He express [Golden Dragon], [Horizon] and [Mys be etery of Life] through his original technique, most of his art and he using "glitter", so you can experience thousands of tiny, reflective glittery pieces spread out over the art and enveloped in a dazzling light. Ryuta Kinjo will introduce 24 new art pieces during this exhibition in Hong Kong.
/About Artist
Born in 1978 Okinawa Japan. His Art is self-taught and he decided to become a professional artist when he was 30 years old. He had an exhibition over 16 times in Japan. Recent years he uses glitter to present the [Mystical Dragon] and inspired spirituality of [Horizon].
He believes in the connection of mind & spirit which is the restoration of humanity, messages through his art works are humanity connects all being and we all need each other. As these messages expand, people are kind to each other, society become gentle and our world will be in peace, main message is [HOPE].
/Ryuta Kinjo’s message
“To have an art exhibition in Hong Kong is one of my dreams and greatest Joy. Difference of where we stand and culture, we have different opinions and perspectives, But I believe we are all same human being and connecting with a strong bond. My art expresses strong connection with the Life Force and unshakable Hope.
I hope I can share this to as many people as possible. And I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who made this Exhibition possible in Hong Kong. Thank you very much.”
PMQ元創方にて、日本出身の画家金城龍太の香港初お披露目となる個展をPMQ[Art & Crafts Studio]にて開催いたします。期間は2020年3月3日(火曜)~3月30日(月曜)まで。
金城龍太は日本(沖縄)出身の画家。黄金龍や水平線、生命の神秘を特殊な技法をよういて表現しています。その作品には「グリッター」が使用されており, まばゆい輝きに包まれる体験が出来ます。香港では初お披露目となる24点をご紹介いたします。
香港での個展開催は私の夢の1つであり、大きな喜びです、立場の違い、文化の違いによって人の意見が異なっても 私達は同じ「人間」であり、強い絆で結ばれていると信じています。私の作品に描かれているのは生命の強い結びつきであり、揺るがない「希望」です 一人でも多くの方々に作品を見て頂ける事を心より願っていますそして香港での個展開催に繋げて頂いた全ての方に感謝申し上げます。