鎚起銅器 - Copper Wear
Just starting with a piece of copper sheet. The copper sheet is to be hammered and stricken finely with metal hammers, softened with heat and repeatedly hammered and stricken into the finished product of cubicle vessel. This finished product is to be described in Japanese “鎚“”起“”銅“”器“ which means hammering, striking, copper and vessel. This process has amazingly a tradition of two hundred years history. Even today, almost of all process is done by hand, and in case of making teapot, for example, several dozens of iron rods and metal hammers are to be used. As the time passed, the color shade of copperware changes and it bringsShimakurado founder, Itami Shimakura enterd Gyokusendo , which has been inheriting “Tsuiki ” metalworking method for nearly two hundred years and learned Tsuiki copperware for 15 years since he was 17 years old. After training at Gyokusendo, Itami has established SHIMAKURADO. And Masayuki as Shimakurado second head has been working from 1989. out a good texture.